Wishing you a very Happy Teachers Day! Welcome back to my blog!
Before you jump into the topic, I have a couple of questions for you 😊
Have you ever or at least executed one project which was impactful in your career or in your life? I’m sure you would have had many instances & you would have delivered it by either focusing on People, Technology, and Process or a mix of all of these with 100%results.
My next question - What was the key factor in executing the project you did? & how did you reflect on your project or a goal? So, were you satisfied? Did you see the scope for improvement? or gained experience while you were accomplishing this project? Obviously we will have that clarity as your superior or your mentor completely appreciated your idea while you were sharing your project as you would be well-versed with a great plan, end to end execution, thoroughly designed with full proof….yeah that’s a superb way to go.
So, now my key question to you – Did you think anytime that your management, boss, mentor or superior was not convinced 100% with your idea or a project you proposed?
Do you wonder why?
Today I want to share 2 magical words (1. Experience & 2. Outcome) These are vital keywords that can make a difference in whatever you plan to achieve. It could be a project you are working on, building your network or relationship, learning something new, focusing on your goals. You should pay attention to these 2 magical words and i.e., “Experience and Outcome”.
Believe me, this has helped me immensely in my profession as well as my personal life to achieve my goals with an impact.
Yes, the topic for today is `Impact with Experience & Outcome’
So you must be wondering why these 2 magical words? Yes friends, I do believe in Simon Sinek's golden circle principle to start with WHY and know your objective. However, what I realized is that it is important that you also question yourself what is the experience you want to create? and what is the outcome you desire from whatever you are planning to do?
I was able to see the change through this lens and that could be my project, goal, learning, or relationship. You will sail through it successfully, being confident, responsible, engaging with greater experience, and impactful outcome with this method.
Let me explain to you a few scenarios so you get more clarity on what I’m trying to say.
Firstly, I want to thank my boss Narayanan Nair and I’m dedicating this blog to his leadership. As any leader, he also gives complete ownership in our project. He believes and trusts his team in execution & getting results and that’s what management looks for right? So, he asked me this question a few years back to reflect on 2 things in anything I do. What is the outcome? and What is the experience I’m going to create? For a moment it jolted me as I had created a great project, validated with experts along with internal feedback, and had done all checks and balances before I presented this project. However, I stepped back to reflect on these 2 magical words. It definitely brought more clarity in my approach to my project and now I can vouch with confidence with all the testimonials I receive from employees and that is because I have created that kind of experience and hence I’m seeing that outcome I desire.
So what I want you to pay attention to his Leadership style where he was driving us to cultivate the skills and I have acronym as C.A.R.E.S model (C- Communicate A-Accountability R- Responsibility E – Empower and S – Service) where he wanted to us to have two-way communication as often as possible, being accountable from start to end, owning up the responsibility in what we do and creating that user experience empowered and last but not the least with a service mindset and that is nothing but an intrapreneurship/entrepreneurship skill that we need to offer to the organization for mutual win-win.
Yes, friends, If you start becoming aware of what is the outcome you are expecting in what you do and what is the experience you are going to create in the process ….you will definitely make loads of difference in your approach towards anything that you want to accomplish.
When you see that momentum gaining results, you will start applying it in everything you do right. So, my learning didn't stop there, and I brought that home too. One day my son was talking to me about his final semester project and he was explaining how he has completed his project and he also mentioned that his instructor had also confirmed that it is done as per the requisite and he can proceed to submit his project. I asked my son how many more days he has for the final project submission and he said two weeks to go. I asked him these 2 magical words (experience & outcome) and asked him to reflect & question himself and make his notes on the overall learning experience he has gained in designing this project and what was his outcome.
So he came back to me after his viva completion and he mentioned that these words are really magical as he was able to go to the depth of his learning and yes he mentioned depth and he also said that he was in a better position while he wrapped his viva with his notes on experience and outcome. He also mentioned that his instructors and his team members looked amazed as they did not expect this twist in his project update. Of course, even I was equally thrilled when he was sharing his experience.
So again, pay attention as this was his Self-esteem and Social well-being achievement through these magical words. That is the way he felt for himself, his ability, being completely responsible, having a sense of belonging, and recognizing and understanding his contribution to go deeper and make an impact for the university or the community he belonged to.
Another classic example when I was having a conversation with my coachee who was very upset and had some challenges in her relationship. She mentioned that she will not do so and so things because she is not happy with that family member at home. As a coach, you tend to look at the GROW model as a solution, however this time I asked her the same 2 magical words `Experience & Outcome’. I said her to think and have answers to these two questions by asking herself what the outcome is and what is the experience she is going to create with this kind of an approach of hers. Guess what, I got a call back after few days saying a big thank you and she said that those 2 magical words have changed her perspective not only to her family members but also for people in her life as she is able to connect well with them with the right outlook.
So again, drawing your attention that these 2 magical words have worked well in changing the behavior & nurturing emotional well-being. It certainly helps you to cope with the normal stresses of life, recognize, understand, and effectively manage your feelings and emotions to work productively and fruitfully in every relationship.
So through this technique friends, indeed you will gain excellence asking these 2 magical words for yourself in every aspect of your life as it enables you to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions for business continuity. It also equips you with the skills we need to interpret and analyze information, simplify the process, solve problems, assess risk, and make informed decisions for your life, learning as well as work.
My Final Thoughts: True teachers are those who help us think for ourselves and If there were no teachers or mentors, all other professions would not exist. So, If you are a professional, student, housewife, entrepreneur or a retired person…..Take Charge now! with practice practice practice as this will empower you to truly differentiate and see the result by asking these 2 magical words `Experience & Outcome’ as now is the time to apply and play your cards right to gain visibility, success & your determination will create that greater experience and the outcome you desire.
I look forward to your action and let me know did it make a difference in this approach and result you had?
Would be happy to see your response & feedback in the comment box below. Again with huge gratitude to all the teachers/mentors wishing you all a very Happy Teachers Day!